First Italian Workshop on Ammonia Energy

  • date31 May 2023
  • time at 14:30
  • locationFlorence, Italy

Ammonia Energy is emerging as a key topic towards the decarbonisation of power, heat and transportation sectors. However, “ammonia economy” still presents many open issues, spanning from ammonia synthesis to utilisation, before its deployment at different scales. In this context, the first Italian Workshop on Ammonia Energy provided for a first Italian forum, where academics, SMEs and Industrial companies could profitably discuss “ammonia economy” open issues. The forum represented a tangible opportunity to share actors’ needs and expertise, towards the definition of common strategies to solve open issues of Ammonia Energy. Invited-speech contributions were catalysed round-table discussions, where panelists and workshop participants had the opportunity to proactively analyse ammonia energy open issues and define possible concrete roadmaps.

HYSYTECH represented the HySTrAm project and did a general presentation of the project during the general discussion in the round tables about “Power to ammonia”.


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