CiaoTech Srl

CiaoTech srl (CIAOTECH), as Italian branch of the PNO group (PNO), is a consultancy firm specialised in Grants and Innovation Management which provides support services to both private and public organisations to guide them throughout innovation processes, technology transfer, and funding for research, development and innovation. CiaoTech leverages on a consolidated and unique “open innovation” approach to boost and support efficient knowledge transfer from research centres towards companies, and on over 20 years of experience in several application fields including Agro-food, Bioeconomy, Chemistry, Energy, Environment and Circular Economy, ICT, Life Science & Health and Transportation.
Main tasks and responsibilities:
In HySTrAm, CiaoTech will be mainly involved in WP5. CiaoTech will be responsible for mapping the innovators network as well as the technology and market trends and work closely with the whole consortium to define a clear strategy to ensure seamless exploitation of the project outcomes. CiaoTech will also assess the commercial potential of the project results through Value Proposition maps and the Lean Business Model Canvas and deliver a complete Exploitation Plan and a roadmap for the follow-up after project ending.